Kamis, 21 April 2011
Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris
8:56 PM |
Diposting oleh
Mufid Suryani |
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Sport is an activity or activity that has many benefits for the body, to keep in shape and maintain a healthy body. The sport is a human activity carried out consciously and systematically to gain skills, physical skills, growth, intelligence and character formation of someone. There are many different types of sports like football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, badminton, and many more sports that exist today. Even sports can also be a performance for people who go into a sport you like and continue to pursue the sport.
Exercise has several goals for health, namely:
1. To increase
Regular physical exercise and measured with adequate nutrition will improve your fitness in a person
2. For Prevention
Exercise can prevent negative impacts from lack of movement, slow the aging process and expedite the process of giving birth in pregnant women.
3. For treatment
Assisting the process of treatment of some diseases
4. To recovery
Disabilities, brain damage, deafness, epilepsy etc. sports require appropriate to the circumstances of the patient, if these disabilities do not exercise then the defect will increase due to the lack of movement, the brain becomes weak, so easily arise diseases, heart, kidney , blood vessels, etc. besides sports for persons with disabilities also is in need to eliminate the public perception that they are not able to do anything
Besides exercise also has benefits that are good for the body, including:
1. Sport can reduce the amount of fat in the body.
Energy source is obtained primarily from the burning of fat tissue that will generate energy, this will cause a
Energy source is obtained primarily from the burning of fat tissue that will generate energy, this will cause a
decrease in body fat tissue.
2. Sport strengthens muscles.
If you do regular exercise will increase muscle mass, because the exercises will stimulate muscle cells to
2. Sport strengthens muscles.
If you do regular exercise will increase muscle mass, because the exercises will stimulate muscle cells to
grow larger and muscle cells are initially rest will become active again.
3. Sport can strengthen bones.
Regular exercise can slow, halt or even reverse the process of bone loss
4. Sport can improve the brain's ability ..
Exercise causes the heart to beat faster and more powerful to supply the body with more oxygen and
3. Sport can strengthen bones.
Regular exercise can slow, halt or even reverse the process of bone loss
4. Sport can improve the brain's ability ..
Exercise causes the heart to beat faster and more powerful to supply the body with more oxygen and
nutrients. Blood flow will rise to the heart, muscles and other body parts, and also an increase in blood flow
to the BRAIN. Increased blood flow to the BRAIN mean an increase in the supply of oxygen and nutrients
to the brain, and this will cause the brain can function optimally.
Concluded that the exercise was to train and provide the ability for our body so that the bodies of sport will always be healthy, fit and avoid disease and premature aging. But for the elderly usually do not need to do heavy exercise, because muscle strength seudah different from a young age and not good for health if done excessively.
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